کتابخانه دیجیتـــــــال آستان قدس رضوی

Digital Library of Astan-e Quds-e Razavi

امام حسین  










In The Name Of Almighty God






















باتوانی، محمدرضا، ‏۱۳۶۵‏‏-
Batavani, Mohammadreza

‏عنوان و نام پديدآور


‏Immam Hussein(AS)[Book]‏/ Batavani Mohammadreza.

‏مشخصات نشر


‏Qom‏: Farzangan Danesh‏, 2019‏= 1398.

‏مشخصات ظاهری


‏81 ص.: مصور(رنگی) ‏؛ ۵/۱۴ × ۵/۲۱ س‌م.



978-622-95510-5-9 :‏

‏وضعیت فهرست نویسی








واژه نامه. 

‏آوانویسی عنوان


امام حسین



ح‍س‍ی‍ن‌ب‍ن‌ ع‍ل‍ی‌ (ع)، ام‍ام‌ س‍وم‌، ۴ - ۶۱ق.



Hosayn ibn 'Ali, Imam III , 625-680

‏رده بندی کنگره



‏رده بندی دیویی



‏شماره کتابشناسی ملی





















No 3232,  Tandis Complex, Imam Khomeini Street, Qom, Iran

Title: Imam Hussein (AS)

Author: Batavani Mohammadreza

Email Address: rezabatavani.65@gmail.com

Published in Farzanegan Danesh Press, Qom, Iran


Tel: +982128423854

© in this compilation Farzanegan Danesh Press

This Edition First Published 2019

ISBN: 978-622-95510-5-9



این کتاب با کمک جمعی از خیرین تهیه و منتشر گردیده است. برای دریافت این کتاب با انتشارات فرزانگان دانش میتوانید ارتباط حاصل فرمایید.


This book has been provided and published with the help of a group of benefactors. You can get this book with Farzanegan Danesh Publications.















Dr. Batavani Mohammadreza

Faculty of university







Today we need to get to know Hussein Ibn Ali(as) in the world. The world of oppression and corruption needs to now Hussein's freedom. Today, people of the world, young people of the world, impartial nations, Their heart beats for such a truth.


If Imam Hussein (as) is introduced to the world; Islam is introduced, The Quran is introduced. Against the hostile movement of the vicious and arrogant front, Knowing of Hussein(as) can stand and introduce the truth of Islam and the truth of the Quran to the world.



The logic of Hussein Ibn Ali (as) is the logic of defending the right. The rationale for resisting cruelty, revolt, delusion, and arrogance. This is the logic of Imam Hussein (as). The world today needs this logic.

Today, the world is witnessing the rule of infidelity, arrogance and corruption. The world is witnessing the reign of cruelty. This is the message of Imam Hussein (as), the message of saving the world. Arbaʿin  massive movement is spreading this message around the world to the grace of God and to the power of God and to divine success. This movement must be; strengthened day by day.


Imam Khamenei



18 / 09/ 2019















This is a book that contains simple words; it's a guidance for those who want to be free, who believe in the unseen, are pious, and spend something from whatever God have provided them with; who believe in what has been sent down to prophets; as well as what was sent down to their prophet or prophets, while they are convinced about the hereafter; such people hold on to guidance from their Lord; those will be successful.

















Thanks God




Creation of the Man




Truth vs. Falsehood




 But, does the almighty God guide the man or leave them on the earth?




Abstract of Ashura




Imam Hussein’s biography








 Sever order of Yazid




 Imam’s move toward Mecca




 Local government’s anxiety




Oh out of this world!




Imam's departure from Mecca




Imam (as) decided to immigrate to Iraq




 Imam (as) wrote the letter to his family in Medina (Bani Hashim)




Letters from Imam Hussein(as) to the elders of Basra




Imam's speeches before leaving Mecca




Yazid's letter to the governor of Kufa Ibn Ziyad the tyrant




Imam's letter to the people of Kufa in Hajar




Besiege of Imam (as) in the deserts




Imam’s convoy stayed in Karbala




Letter from Ibn Ziyad to Imam Hussein (as)




Kufian’s campaign for war




Coming of enemy's armies in the desert of Karbala and siege of Imam (as);




The day of Ashura, Imam Hussein(as) and his 72 loved companions






































Thanks God. 


In the name of God, the Mercy-giving, the Merciful! Praise be to God, Lord of the Universe, the Mercy-giving, the Merciful Ruler on the Day for Repayment! You do we worship and You do we call on for help. Guide us along the Straight Road, The road of those whom You have favored, with whom You are not angry, nor who are lost!




I swear by the sun and its brightness and by the Moon as it follows him and by the day when it shows his brightness and by the night when it conceals him and by the sky and its wonderful ructure and the earth and Him who spread it and by the soul, and the One who made itwell then He showed him what is wrong for him andwhat is right for him indeed he succeeds who purifies his wnself (i.e. obeys and performs all that God ordered), and indeed he fails who corrupts his ownself (i.e. disobeys what God has ordered).










Creation of the Man

When the almighty God created the first man (Adam), so he told the angels: "I am placing an overlord on earth". The earth whose development has started from ecca and then developed to the nowadays world.


Why has the almighty God has placed Adam as overlord? What do you think about it?


After thevaluable order of the almighty God;

angels said immediately:

O our God? "Will you place someone there, who will corrupt it and shed blood?"

(Their experiences from the things who lived on the earth before man (i.e. Jens), or their divine knowledge about man, or to find the rights about man caused to ask his question, maybe.)

Then they continued that“we hymn your praise and sanctify you[1]. Isn’t it suitable that we will be your overlord on the earth? Weren’t we qualified to take this position?

[1] - It has narrated from the holy prophet that he earth was been full of water then by the order of almighty God earth has made from Mecca and then developed to the all of the world.

[1] - It can be recognizable that the angels had been pride about themselves and didn’t accept God's orders humility because they had suspicious about the man.








So the God said to them: "I know something you do not know."


What was the thing that the almighty God knew only?!

Almighty God taught Adam all the names; that the almighty God is the source of everything and sent it down in a known quantity. The almighty God to show and emphasis about Adam's position said to angels:

Tell me the names of these if you are so truthful[1]."

Angels said:

"Glory is to you; we have no knowledge except whatever you have taught us. You are the Aware, the Wise!". Everything that someone knows , it has been taught by the almighty God, really.  

Indeed this question of the almighty God was just to emphasize on ignorance of the angels; of course he knew about the angels’ answer.

Then the almighty God said: "Adam, tell them their names." Once he had told them their names, the almighty God said: "Did I not tell you that I know the Unseen in Heaven and Earth? I know whatever you disclose and whatever you have been hiding.


Certainly, the almighty God created man from an extract of clay. Then he placed him as a sperm-drop in a firm lodging. Then he made the sperm-drop into a clinging clot, and he made the clot into a lump [of flesh], and he made [from] the lump, bones, and he covered the bones with flesh; then he developed him into another creation.

[1] - That they more deserved to be His deputies on the earth







So blessed is God, the best of creators


The almighty God have certainly created man in the best of stature," So he told the angels: "Bow down on your knees before Adam(as).

"They [all] knelt down except for Satan. He refused and acted proudly, and became a disbeliever. The almighty God said: "Adam, settle down in the Garden, both you and your wife, and eat freely from it anywhere either of you may wish." Then he continued: "Yet do not approach this tree lest you become wrongdoers."

But Satan caused them to slip out of it and removed them from that [condition] in which they had been. And the almighty God said, "Go down, [all of you], as enemies to one another, and you will have upon the earth a place of settlement and provision for a time."

Then Adam received from his Lord [some] words, and the almighty God accepted his repentance. Indeed, it is he who is the accepting of repentance, the merciful.

Almighty God said, "Go down from it, all of you. And when guidance comes to you from me, whoever follows my guidance - there will be no fear concerning them, nor will they grieve.


The almighty God have certainly created man in the best of stature, then he returns him to the lowest of the low.

hence, we should follow, [O mankind], what has been revealed to us from our Lord and do not follow other than Him any allies.

Remember the almighty God have certainly established us upon the earth and made for us therein ways of livelihood and








given us [human] form. Then he said to the angels, "Prostrate to Adam"; so they prostrated, except for Iblees. He was not of those who prostratedand[Satan] said, "I am better than him. You created me from fire and created him from clay."

[Almighty God] said, "Descend from Paradise, for it is not for you to be arrogant therein. So get out; indeed, you are of the debased.

[Satan] said, "Reprieve me until the Day they are resurrected."I will surely sit in wait for them on Your straight path.Then I will come to them from before them and from behind them and on their right and on their left, and You will not find most of them (man) grateful."

[Gid] said, "Get out of Paradise, reproached and expelled. Whoever follows you among them - I will surely fill Hell with you, all together."

And "O Adam, dwell, you and your wife, in Paradise and eat from wherever you will but do not approach this tree, lest you be among the wrongdoers."

But Satan whispered to them to make apparent to them that which was concealed from them of their private parts. He said, "Your Lord did not forbid you this tree except that you become angels or become of the immortal."

So he made them fall, through deception. And when they tasted of the tree, their private parts became apparent to them, and they began to fasten together over themselves from the leaves of Paradise. And their Lord called to them, "Did I not forbid you from that tree and tell you that Satan is to you a clear enemy?"

[Almighty God] said, "Descend, being to one another enemies. And for you on the earth is a place of settlement and enjoyment for a time."






He said, "Therein you will live, and therein you will die, and from it you will be brought forth."

O children of Adam, the God have bestowed upon us clothing to conceal our private parts and as adornment. But the clothing of righteousness - that is best. That is from the signs of almighty God that perhaps they will remember.

O children of Adam, let not Satan tempt us as he removed our parents from Paradise, stripping them of their clothing to show them their private parts. Indeed, he sees us, he and his tribe, from where you do not see them. Indeed, the almighty God have made the devils allies to those who do not believe.

And when they commit an immorality, they say, "We found our fathers doing it, and God has ordered us to do it." Say, "Indeed, the God does not order immorality. Do you say about the almighty God that which you do not know?"

Say, "My Lord has ordered justice and that you maintain yourselves [in worship of Him] at every place [or time] of prostration, and invoke Him, sincere to Him in religion." Just as He originated you, you will return [to life] –

A group [of you] He guided, and a group deserved [to be in] error. Indeed, they had taken the devils as allies instead of God while they thought that they were guided.

And for every nation is a [specified] term. So when their time has come, they will not remain behind an hour, nor will they precede [it].

O children of Adam, if there come to us messengers from among us relating to us heir verses, then whoever fears God and reforms - there will be no fear concerning them, nor will they grieve.








Indeed, Satan threatens you with poverty and orders you to immorality, while the almighty God promises you forgiveness from Him and bounty. And the almighty God is all-Encompassing and Knowing.

Itsenjoin upon us, children of Adam, that we worship the almighty God and we not worship Satan - for indeed, he is to our clear enemy. So, who belong to almighty God are in contrast to belonging to Satan…

But on the  earth we should show it,:

Because we will surely have test by something of fear and hunger and a loss of wealth and lives and fruits but give good tidings to the patient.

Who, when disaster strikes them, say, "Indeed we belong to Almighty God, and indeed to him we will return.Those are the ones upon whom are blessings from their Lord and mercy. And it is those who are the [rightly] guided

Indeed, they are people who the almighty God said about them to angels:

"Indeed, I know that which you do not know."

Truth v.s. Falsehood

There is no deity except God, the Living, the Eternal, the Powerful, and the Wise! Maintaining fairplay. God testifies there is no deity except Himself, and so do the angels and persons possessing knowledge. 

He knows whatever is spoken in Heaven and Earth; He is Alert, Aware. Nothing is hidden from God, on Earth or in Heaven. Whether we hide what is on our minds or disclose it, God knows it [anyhow]; He owns whoever is in Heaven and Earth, God is Capable of everything! Good lies within his








hand; he is Capable of everything! He wraps night up in daylight and wraps daytime up in night. He draws the living from the dead and draws the dead from the living. Anyone who is with Him is never too proud to do Him service, nor are they even wearied; they celebrate [Him] night and day; they never pause. Glory be to God, Lord of the Throne, beyond what associates describe!

''O God, holder of control! You give control to anyone you wish and snatch control from anyone you wish. You exalt anyone you wish and humble anyone you wish. You provide for anyone you wish without any reckoning! ''

If there were other gods in either [Heaven or Earth] besides God [Alone], they would both dissolve in chaos. Yet do disbelievers still adopt other gods instead of the almighty God? Even so they reject it although it is the truth. If they’re right, then bring on their proof! Say: why do you dress truth up with falsehood and knowingly conceal the truth? Do not cloak truth with falsehood nor hide the truth while you realize it. Say: "I am [looking] for evidence from my Lord while you have rejected it. I do not have what you are trying to hurry up; discretion lies only with God. He relates the truth and is the best decider."

He has sent only men whom he inspired. Ask people with [long] memories if you do not know it already. This is a reminder for anyone who is with them, as well as a reminder for whoever came before them. Instead, most of them do not recognize the truth, so they avoid it.  '' Truth’’ comes from your Lord, so do not be a waverer. He is the one who really created Heaven and Earth. Any day he says: 'Be!'; then it is!









"His speech [means] the truth and he will hold control on the day when the trumpet is sounded. Knowing the unseen and visible, He is wise, informed." and the true promise is approaching: then behold it will be staring into the eyes of those who have disbelieved: "Alas for us! We have been so heedless concerning this. Indeed we were wrongdoers." they will say.

The almighty God did not create Heaven and Earth and whatever lies in between them while just playing around. "Our lord is the one Who has given everything its own constitution; then guided it. Clear out from it together! If you should be handed guidance from the almighty God, then anyone who follows his guidance will have no fear nor will they be saddened; and we mustn’t follow in Satan's footsteps; he is an open enemy of us. We shouldn’t fear Satan and [instead] fear the almighty God, if we are believers!  If someone should lapse after explanations have come to him, then know that God is powerful, wise. Satan merely orders us to commit evil and shocking deeds, and to say what we do not know about the almighty God. Satan threatens man with poverty and orders him to misbehave sexually, while God promises him forgiveness from himself as well as bounty. God is boundless, aware. That was only Satan who intimidated his adherents. For example, the almighty God had already made a pledge with Adam which he forgot. He found he had no determination. When the almighty God told the angels: "Bow down on your knees before Adam," they [all] knelt down except for Satan; he refused [to do so]. The almighty God said: "Adam, this is an enemy for both you and your wife. Do not let him turn either of you out of the garden,










so you will regret it. You have so much in it that you need go neither hungry nor naked; you will neither thirst there nor feel sunstruck." Satan whispered to him; he said: "Adam, shall I lead you to the tree of immortality and such control as will never disappear?" So Satan whispered to them to show them both their private parts which had gone unnoticed by either of them. He said: "Your lord only forbids you this tree so that you will not become two angels, or lest you both become immortal." He swore to them: "I am a sincere counsellor with both of you!" He led them on by deceiving [them]. Once they had tasted the tree ['s fruit], their private parts became apparent to both of them, and they started to patch together leaves from the garden for themselves. Yes, Adam had disobeyed his Lord and was misled! Their Lord called out to them: "Did I not forbid you that tree and tell you both that Satan is an open enemy of yours?" Later on his lord chose him, and he relented towards him and guided [him]. He said: "Clear out of here, both of you together! Some of you [will become] enemies of others. Should guidance ever come to you from me, no one who follows my guidance shall ever stray away nor regret it; while anyone who fails to remember me will have a meager living and we shall summon him as a blind person on resurrection day. Almighty God - there is no deity except Him, the Ever-Living, the Sustainer of [all] existence. Neither drowsiness overtakes Him nor sleep. To Him belongs whatever is in the heavens and whatever is on the earth. Who is it that can intercede with Him except by His permission? He knows what is [presently] before them and what will be after them, and they encompass not a thing of His knowledge except for what He wills. His Kursi extends over the heavens and the earth, and their preservation tires









Him not. And He is the Most High, the Most Great. O mankind, what has deceived you concerning your Lord, the Generous,

Almighty God is the ally of those who believe. He brings them out from darknesses into the light. And those who disbelieve - their allies are Taghut. They take them out of the light into darknesses. Those are the companions of the Fire; they will abide eternally therein.

So, do we worship the Almighty God?

And that you worship [only] the almighty God?  This is a straight path.

And how many a prophet tied and with him tried many religious scholars. But they never lost assurance due to what afflicted them in the cause of almighty God, nor did they weaken or submit. And the almighty God loves the steadfast.And their words were not but that they said, "Our Lord, forgive us our sins and the excess [committed] in our affairs and plant firmly our feet and give us victory over the disbelieving people." So the almighty God gave them the reward of this world and the good reward of the Hereafter, becouse he loves the doers of good.The history shows some people are like that:

Indeed, the almighty God chose Adam and Noah and the family of Abraham and the family of 'Imran over the world. The almighty God supports with His victory










whom He wills. O the almighty God, Owner of Sovereignty, You give sovereignty to whom You will and You take sovereignty away from whom you will. You honor whom You will and You humble whom You will. In Your hand is [all] good. Indeed, You are over all things competent. You cause the night to enter the day, and You cause the day to enter the night; and You bring the living out of the dead, and You bring the dead out of the living. And You give provision to whom You will without account." So let not believers take Satan as allies rather than you, because you are the [final] destination. The Day every soul will find what it has done of good present [before it] and what it has done of evil, it will wish that between itself and that [evil] was a great distance and the almighty God is kind to [His] servants."so If you should love the almighty God, then follow him, [so] the almighty God will love you he is Forgiving and Merciful.If almighty God should aid you, no one can overcome you; but if He should forsake you, who is there that can aid you after Him? And upon God let the believers rely. And never think of those who have been killed in the cause of God as dead. Rather, they are alive with their Lord, receiving provision, Rejoicing in what God has bestowed upon them of His bounty, and they receive good tidings about those [to be martyred] after them who have not yet joined them - that there will be no fear concerning them, nor will they grieve. Hence whoever holds firmly to God has [indeed] been guided to a straight path. And hasten to forgiveness from your Lord and a garden as wide as the heavens and earth, prepared for the righteous.People, why do you avert from the way of almighty God?Indeed, the almighty God is my Lord and your Lord, so worship Him.And to God belongs the dominion of the









heavens and the earth, and God is over all things competent. That is the straight path."

Abraham (as) was one inclining toward truth, a Muslim [submitting to almighty God]. And he was not of the polytheists.The first House [of worship] established for mankind was that at Makkah - blessed and a guidance for the worlds.In it are clear signs [such as] the standing place of Abraham. And whoever enters it shall be safe. And [due] to almighty God from the people is a pilgrimage to the House - for whoever is able to find thereto a way. 

But, does the almighty God guide the man or leave them on the earth?

When the almighty God clears out the Adam and his wife from the Paradise, He didn’t leave them alone. During the history he talked to man:

Children of Adam, whenever any messengers from among yourselves come to relate my signs to you, then anyone who does his duty and reforms will have no fear nor need them feel saddened.

Mankind was [once] one nation but appeared disagreeing in them smoothly.So God despatched prophets as heralds and warners. He sent the Book down along with them to bring the Truth, so as to decide among mankind concerning whatever they had been disagreeing about. The almighty God have despatched a messenger to every nation [who said]: "Serve God [Alone] and turn aside from the Arrogant ones."` Some










of them God has guided, while others there are for whom error has been confirmed. If we travel around the earth so we will see how the outcome was for those who deny [everything]. If He had so wished, He might have despatched a warner into every town.However only those to whom it was given disagreed about it out of envy towards one another, after explanations had been brought them. By His permission God has guided those who believe to any Truth they may have disagreed about. God guides anyone He wishes to a Straight Road. The almighty God has benefited believers whenever He sent them a messenger from among themselves, to recite His verses to them and purify them, and teach them the Book and wisdom, whereas previously they had been in plain error.Anyone who submits to guidance will be guided only so far as he himself is concerned, while anyone who strays away, only strays by himself. No burdened soul shall bear another's burden. So the almighty Godhas never acted as punishers until hehas despatched some messenger.Nothing prevents men from believing whenever guidance comes to them except that they say: "Has God despatched a mortal as a messenger?"

The almighty God has not sent any messenger unless He was to be obeyed in accordance with God's permission. If they sought forgiveness from God whenever they harmed themselves, they would have found that God is Ever-Turning, Merciful.

 The almighty God sent Noah to his people, and he said: "My folk, serve God [Alone]; you have no other deity than Him. I fear the torment of an awful day for you!” But the elders of his people said: "We see you are in obvious error."He said:









"My folk, no trace of error lies in me, but I am a messenger from the Lord of the Universe.I transmit my Lord's messages to you, and counsel you sincerely. I know something you do not know about God.Are you surprised that a Reminder should come to you from your Lord through one of your own men, so he may warn you and you will do your duty, and in order that you may receive mercy?"Yet they said he was lying, so the almighty Godsent a rain down on them while saved Noah and those who were along with him in the Ark. The almighty God let those who rejected his signs drown; they were such blind folk!



 Did you Recite Abraham's news, yet?

When he said to his father and his folk: "What are you worshipping?"They said; "We worship idols and are utterly devoted to them."He said; "Do they hear you when you call,or benefit you or harm [you]?"

They said: "Rather we found our fathers doing so."He said: "Have you ever seen what you have been worshipping,you and your forefathers, the oldtimers?They are enemies of mine, except for the Lord of the Universe;who created me. He guides me and is the one Who feeds me and gives me something to drink. Whenever I fall ill, He heals me;[He is] the one who will cause me to die, then bring me back to life [again]; the One Who I expect will forgive me my mistakes on the Day for Repayment.










“O My Lord, bestow discretion on me and acquaint me with honorable men! Grant me a truthful reputation among later men. Grant me an inheritance in the Garden of Bliss.Forgive my father even though he may be [considered] lost. Do not disgrace me on the day they are raised up again, the day when neither wealth nor children will benefit anyone; except for someone who comes to God with a sound heart” Said Abraham.

Thus Abraham along with Ishmael laid the foundations for the God’s House:Kaaba. They said:

"Our Lord, accept this from us! Indeed you are the Alert, the Aware!

Our Lord, leave us peacefully committed to you, and make our offspring into a nation which is at peace with You. Show us our ceremonies and turn towards us. you are so Relenting, the Merciful!

Our Lord, send a messenger in among them from among themselves who will recite Your verses to them and teach them the Book and wisdom! He will purify them, for You are the Powerful, the Wise!"

Who would shrink from [joining] Abraham's sect except someone who fools himself? The almighty God selected him during worldly life, while in the Hereafter he will be among the honorable ones.

Abraham commissioned his sons with it [as a legacy], and [so did] Jacob: "My sons, God has selected your religion for you. Do not die unless you are Muslims."










Or were you present as death appeared for Jacob, when he said to his sons: "What will you serve after I am gone?" They said: "We shall worship your God and the God of your forefathers Abraham, Ishmael and Isaac: God Alone! We are committed peacefully to Him."

"Joseph brought explanations for man before, yet they continued to suspect what he had brought them until when he perished, they said: 'The almighty God will never despatch a messenger after him!' Thus God lets any extravagant doubter stray away;

Almighty God sent To Midian their brother Shu,ayb, too. He said: "My people, worship God [Alone]! You have no other deity besides Him. A token has come to you from your Lord, so offer full measure and weight, and do not undersell people in their dealings nor spoil things on earth once it has been set right; that will be best for you if you are believers. Do not lurk along every road, threatening and blocking anyone off from the almighty God's way who believes in him, and seeking to make it crooked. Remember how few you were and He increased you. See what the outcome was for those who act depraved. If there is a faction of you who believe in what I have been sent with, and another faction which does not so believe, still be patient until the almighty God judges between us. He is the best of Judges." The elders among his people who had acted proudly said: "We'll run you out of our town, Shu'ayb, as well as those who believe along with you; or else you will return to our sect!" He said: "Even though we detest it? We'd invent a lie about God if we returned to your sect now after God has saved us from it. There is no means for us











to return to it unless God our Lord should wish us to; our Lord comprises everything in knowledge. On God have we relied. Our Lord, really deliver us from our own people; you are the best Deliverer." So the Tremor caught them, and one morning they lay cowering in their homes. Those who rejected Shu'ayb [ended up] as if they had never been so wealthy in them; those who rejected Shu'ayb were the losers!

We have related news concerning those towns to you: their messengers came to them with explanations, yet they were not in any mood to believe in something they had already rejected. Thus they don't understand the straight right. by most of them Did not find any agreement was ever kept , although most of them did find were quite immoral! The almighty God made an agreement with the Children of Israel and sent them messengers. Every time a messenger would come to them with what they themselves did not fancy, one group they accused of lying while another group they killed.

Then after them, the almighty God despatched Moses and Aaron with his signs to Pharaoh and his courtiers, and Moses said: "Pharaoh, I am a messenger from the Lord of the Universe; but they mistreated them. Yet they acted proudly and were criminal folk. See how the outcome was for mischief-makers!

The almighty God made a covenant with the Children of Israel, and We despatched twelve of them as captains. God said: "I shall be with you if you will keep up prayer and pay the welfare tax, and believe in My messengers and respect them, and advance God a handsome loan. I shall overlook your evil deeds for you and show you into gardens through










which rivers flow. Anyone of you who disbelieves following that will have strayed from the straight Path."

David was one of them. The holy prophet told them: "God has sent Saul as a king for you." They said: "How could he hold control over us, since we are fitter to exercise control than he is ? He has not been given ample wealth." He said: "God has singled him out for you and added plenty to his knowledge and physique. God gives his control to anyone He wishes; God is Boundless, Aware."



And thepeace be on the day he was born, and the day he shall die and the day heis raised to life again!"Such was Jesus, the son of Mary; [it is] a true statement which the man are still puzzling over. “The almighty God is my Lord and your Lord, so worship Him [Alone]. This is theStraight path…”

And [mention] when Jesus, said, "O children of Israel, indeed I am the messenger of almighty God to you confirming what came before me of the Torah and bringing good tidings of a











messenger to come after me, whose name is Ahmad[1]." But when he came to them with clear evidences.

 The almighty God sent messengers to nations before himand now sent him to. This day almighty God has perfected for man,his religion and completed his favor upon man and has approved for us Islam as religion.

Muhammad is not the father of [any] one of your men, but [he is] the Messenger of almighty God and last of the prophets.So was mercy from God, he[Muhammad], was lenient with them. And if he had been rude [in speech] and harsh in heart, people would have disbanded from about him. So, he pardoned them and asked for forgiveness for them and consult them in the matter. And when hehas decided, then rely upon almighty God that Indeed, the almighty God loves those who rely [upon Him]. Realy, the almighty God has not sent him, [O Muhammad], except as a mercy to the worlds.

 Almighty God is the One Who has despatched a messenger from the Unlettered [people] among themselves, to recite almighty God’s verses to them and purify people and teach them the Book (Quran) and wisdom, even though previously they were in obvious error. Believe in almighty God and his messenger, and the light which He has sent down.

Muhammad Said, "Indeed, my prayer, my rites of sacrifice, my living and my dying are for almighty God, Lord of the worlds, too.And ever is almighty God, of all things, Knowing. This is the straight path

[1] - Ahmad is another name of Islam Prophet: Muhammad(salutation be upon him)












Muhammad Said: "I do not ask man for this message any payment [but] only good will through kinship." And whoever commits a good deed – almighty God will increase for him good therein. Your ally is none but almighty God and [therefore] His Messenger and those who have believed - those who establish prayer and give zakah, and they bow [in worship].Indeed, almighty God is forgiving and appreciative.


Muhammad said Hussein from me and I am from Hussein. Indeed, Hussein is the guiding light and the safe ship.













Imam Hussein(as), is not a legend or dream; of course, he is the best hero, indeed. He is the rescuing ship and guidance sun. He was the leader who defended against thousands of enemies, the brave commander that killed far from of his city, in Karbala, Iraq. This real story of Ashura is the greatest dramatic event in the history that each faithful man can sense the oppression against the brave commander of Islam, Imam Hussein (as). Imam showed the line of God with his testimony. He is the martyr on the straight path…

What happened in his worthwhile living?

  • Under the tyranny of the time, Imam Hussein (as) was invited by freedom-loving people as afreedom leader.
  • Then he and all his brave fellowships were besieged by enemies on the way.
  • Water was restricted and blocked to his family and his fellowship, even one drop.
  •  His brother, Abbas(as) and the fighters, who tried to bring water for children from Euphrates, the river rafting that was near them, was killed thirsty; although Abbas(as) had successes to take some thirsty in his leather container.
  • The enemies killed his thirsty baby by triceps arrow, but Imam(as) only looked at the sky and said nothing.
  • All of his 72 fellowships were killed, and he remined alone, but he said that “almighty God, I am satisfied with your satisfaction”.
  • In this condition it wasn’t safe, but he endured till he was eventually martyred.
  •  Then the enemies burned all of the family of Imam’s tents, and they were takeb prisoners.
  • The lovely sister of Imam, Zainab(sa), narrated the dramatic story of Ashura to people.









  • Many anti-oppressive minds wake up and there are many oppressive movements around the world, e.g. Gandi revolution in India, Islamic revolution of Iran, and etc up to now.
  • After 1339 years from his martyrdom more than twenty million people from all over the world gather in Karbala and mourn, now.


What did Imam want? And what did he want to emphasize on? Why didn’t he make peace to his enemies in the war, especially when he was alone?  Why after more than one thousand and three hundred years people are mourning about him, crying and saying “Ya Imam Hussein”?This story shows everything that is happened for the holy prophet’s son, from the narration of brave woman who was present there, Zeinab, his favorite sister.

Imam Hussein´s biography;

Name: Hussein (salutation be upon him)

Famed: the lord of oppressed, the lord of martyrdom,rescue ship

Nickname: Aba Abdellah

Name of his grandfather: the holy prophet, Muhammad (Peace be upon him)

Name of his father: Imam Ali (Peace be upon him)

Name of his mother: Fatimeh (Peace be upon her)

Date of birth: 3 rdsha'ban 4Lunar year or 626 January 11after Christ









Town of birth: Medina

Age of his life: 57 years

Number of his child: 3 sons and 2 daughters

Time of Imamat: 11 years

Date of martyrdom: 10 thMuharram 61 Lunar year or 680 October 13 after Christ

Cause of martyrdom: doesn't allegiance for Yazid´s succession (unjust ruler of time)

Name of his killer: Shimr Ibn Zeljoshan

Town of martyrdom: Karbala

Event: A'ashura




His grandfather passed away when he was seven years old. After the death of the Prophet, there was a dispute among










Muslims over succession. There were wars between Imam Ali (as) and Muʿawiya, son of Abi Sufyanover the succession.Of the people is Imam Ali (as), who sells himself, seeking means to the approval of almighty God. And the almighty God is kind to [His] servants.His position to holy prophet of Islam was like Aaron's to Moses, the first worshiper and worshiper of God with holy prophet of Islam was he. The holy prophet of Islam was the city of science and Ali was its door.  Imam Ali(as) was the victorious commander of Islam in the battles of Badr, Hunayn, and Khaybaras well as he was kind to the orphans, so the holy prophet has narrated:there is no sword but Dhu l-Faqar[1],


there is no hero but Ali.In battle of siffin (between Imam Ali (as) and Muʿawiya, son of Abi Sufyan), When Imam Ali(as) reached the land of Karbala, he prayed there, then he took some of the soil of Karbala, and then said: “Blessed are you in the land, of course, that you will be joined by a group that will enter Paradise with no account.”

[1] - the name of Imam Ali’s sword











Unfortunately Imam Ali (as) was attacked by a Kharijite while praying in the Great Mosque of Kufa and martyred.

Imam Ali's son, Imam Hasan(as), became Imam after the testimony of Imam Ali (AS). Mu'awiya rejected his succession and military attacked from Damascus to near Kufa(Iraq) and he tried to force Imam Hasan (as) to peace by rumors.During this time, Imam Hasan(as) was assaulted by one of the Khawarij and was wounded and transferred to Medina for treatment. A group of Kufa leaders wrote to Mu'awiya, promising to kill Imam Hasan (AS). Mu'awiya offered peace with Imam Hasan(as). Imam Hasan(as) accepted peace Provided that Mu'awiya is based on the book of God (Quran) and the tradition of the hole Prophet of Islam(peace be upon him). Imam Hasan (AS) was poisoned and martyred by enemies during their conspiracy.Following the testimony of Imam Hasan (AS), Mu'awiya announced his son, Yazid, as successor. Imam Hussein (AS) did not consider allegiance to Yazid legitimate.

Walid, the governor of Medina, sent a message to Imam Hussein (as) at midnight. Imam Hussein accepted, and realized that Mu'awiya was probably dead and sent him to seek allegiance, before the news was spread among the people. So Imam Hussein (as) prayed to God, then ordered his family to take up arms and covertly sit out of Waleed's house, hiddenly. He said to them, "I am coming in, so rescue me if I ask you for help."

When the Imam (as) came in, he saw a crowd waiting for him at home.Walid said sadly, "Mu'awiya is dead" and I have invited you to allegiance. Imam Hussein (as) said: I do not secretly pledge allegiance, please call all people for allegiance











in the morning. Walid thanked him and allowed him to return to his home.

Marwan, son of Hakam, suddenly shouted to the Walid:

“Arrest him until his allegiance; otherwise kill him.”

Imam Hussein(as) said to Walid:

" O Governor! We are the family of the Prophet(PBUH), and our tongues speak the truth. Yazid is a deceitful man who reveals corruption, I do not swear allegiance to anyone like him,and in the morning we shall see which of us (me or him) is worthy of trust in succession and allegiance”.

Walid was impressed by the logic of the Imam, so he said to Marwan:

"damn you! I do not want to have the whole world, by killing Hussein; Exalted is my God. So, Imam Hussein(as) went back to his home, after that.

Tomarrow morning Marvan saw the Imam Hussein and said:Your family has an enemy of the Abi Sufyanfamily and they have the right to be your enemy. "

Imam (as) shouted at him and said: "O foul one! I am from the Holy Prophet (PBUH), God said about us to his Prophet (PBUH):

“Almighty God intends only to remove from us the impurity [of sin], O family of the [Prophet's] household, and to purify











you with [extensive] purification.”

Marwan hurried went toward the governor and informed him. Hence, Walid informed Yazid of Imam Hussein's refusal of allegiance. Imam Hussein (as) decided to leave Medina and go to Mecca to seek refuge in God's house[1] and to be safe from their evils.

Severe orders of Yazid

When Yazid read Waleed's letter, he was furious and wrote him:

“Whenever my letter reaches you, Kill Imam Hussein(as) and send me the head of Hussain (AS) attached by your answer. If you do that for me, you will have a great reward. Bye.”

But, when the Yazid’s letter reached to Walid he didn't accept the order and said:

Swear to God! I do not kill the son of the Prophet (PBUH), though he gives me the entire world.


Imam’s move toward Mecca

The Imam likened his move to Prophet Moses' move against Pharaoh. When the caravan of Imam arrived in Mecca, Imam (as) recited the word of God the exalted:

“And when he directed himself toward Madyan, he said, "Perhaps my Lord will guide me to the straight path…"


The people of Mecca did a great welcome from Prophet’s son. In Mecca, Imam (as) stayed at his cousin's house. Every day the people of Mecca would sit around the Imam and listen to his speech and enjoy it.Imam with his spiritual attraction attracted hearts to himself. The people who came to Baitullah from the other areas for Hajj and Umrah, came to Imam (as) to be guided by Imam's sciences. The Imam called on the

[1] - Al-Masjid al-Haram in Mecca of Saudi Arabia in now.The Almighty God has made it to be secure for his servants












people to wake up and abstain from a policy whose purpose is to enslave and humiliate the people.


Local government anxiety

The local government in Mecca was anxious about the arrival of the Imam(as). the governor of Mecca feared  that Imam would make Mecca as a political center for his invitation and a place to declare a revolution against the government of Damascus. So the anxious governor of Mecca came to the Imam and said to him:

“Why did you come here?”

“I have sought refuge in God and in his house. so that anyone who entered it, would be safe and free from any oppression.” Imam (as) said to him.

The governor of Mecca ignored the Imam's words, rather, wrote a letter to Yazid; informed Yazid of the coming of the Imam to Mecca and the movement of people to him and their consensus on honoring him; and said that is a threat to his government (Yazid).

Because he had received news that Yazid the oppressor had ordered his agents to assassinate him, even though he is in Kaaba.













Imam(as) feared that Yazid would disrespect to the God's house, because Yazid had no respect for God's house. Yazid did not respect the saints even in appearance. So the Imam(as) left there to protect the sanctity of God's house. After the martyrdom of Imam Hussein (as) it became clear that Yazid did not consider the house of God sacred because during the battle with the son

of Zubair, he struck God's housewith stones of hard clay and set fire to it. The Imam (as) strongly feared their breaking of the sanctity of God's house. So he left God's house, hence his blood wouldn't be shed there.


Oh out of this world!

They were those [same ones who were] who evicted a group of prophet's family from their homes, cooperated against together in sin and aggression to them.

Woe to the world that for someone like the son of the Prophet(PBUH), get hard, now. Where to go and where to turn?

Remember the word of Almighty God, Hussein (as). The almighty God say:












“Do you think that you will be left to say, "We believe" and you will not be tried?

But We have certainly tried those before them, and almighty God will surely test you with something of fear and hunger and a loss of wealth and lives and children.

The almighty God will surely make evident those who are truthful, and He will surely make evident the liars. But, give good tidings to the patiently persevere, whoever should hope for the meeting with almighty God - indeed, the term decreed by almighty God is coming. Those are the ones upon whom are blessings from their Lord and mercy. And it is those who are the [rightly] guided.

And He is the Hearing, the Knowing.And whoever strives only strives for [the benefit of] himself. Indeed, the almighty God is free from need of the worlds.

And of the people are some who say, "We believe in God," but when one [of them] is harmed for [the cause of] God, they consider the trial of the people as [if it were] the punishment of God.

And almighty God will surely make evident those who believe, and He will surely make evident the hypocrites.

And those who disbelieve say to those who believe, "Follow our











way, and we will carry your sins." But they will not carry anything of their sins. Indeed, they are liars.

And those who believe and do righteous deeds - We will surely admit them among the righteous [into Paradise].


Imam's departure from Mecca

Imam (as) left Mecca because:

-Because Mu'awiya had spread poverty in, and given that the revolution needed a lot of financial support, Mecca at that time was facing severe economic resources;

-Because the vast majority of its people had avoided political issues, while Iraq had been the torch of political awareness in the Arab lands;

-Mecca did not have a military garrison to seek refuge and support for the Imam;

-The overwhelming majority of Mecca people were averse to Imam Ali's family; but were inclined to Yazid.

-The successive letters from the people of Kufa attached with near 18000 signatures reached out to the Imam (as); encouraged him to move towards them. Imam (as), sent an ambassador there to assure. His ambassador, Muslim bin Aqeel, wrote him a letter informing him of people's allegiance to the Imam (as).


Imam (as) decided to immigrate to Iraq

Imam Hussein (AS) chose to immigrate to Iraq because:

-Iraq, at that time, was the heart of the Islamic State and the place of wealth, where Kufa was established as a garrison for the Islamic army.

-It was largely dominated by social insights, and the Kufis imposed their demands on their rulers.










-Kufa was a Shia cradle, which on many occasions declared its allegiance to the holy prophets’s family. Imam Ali(as) said to them:"O people of Kufa! You are my brothers, my helpers for the truth, and you are the advocates of war for the almighty God.” Later, after the martyrdom of Imam Hussein (as), the people of Kufa took revenge on the killers of Imam Hussein by their commander: "Mukhtar Ibn Abu Ubaid e-Saqafi".

-When the caliphate was transferred from Kufa to Damascus, Mu'awiya placed disqualified ruler on them, so they were waiting for the right opportunity to free themselves from that tyrannical rule. Hence, the excitement of opposition to the Yazid in that city had peaked after Mu'awiya's death.

-The successive letters from the people of Kufa reached out to the Imam and encouraged him to move towards them. If the Imam refused to answer them in the affirmative, he would be held accountable to God and the people, especially after his ambassador, Muslim bin Aqeel, wrote him a letter informing him of people's allegiance to the Imam(as).

Imam Hussein (as), by sending an ambassador, after examining the Kufian people’s for the uprising moved from Mecca to Kufa. In Kufa, Muslim bin Aqeel was able to lead the twelve thousand people in a roaring uprising for allegiance to Hussein and to oust Yazid. Muslim reported this to Hussein and he decided to move, so in his uprising, Hussein (as) was not hasty and hasty.


Imam (as) wrote the letter to his family in Medina (Bani Hashim)

When the Imam decided to leave Mecca toward Iraq, he wrote this letter to Bani Hashim:










“In the name of God, Most Gracious, Most Merciful.

Anyone who joins me becomes a martyr, and whoever does not join me will not win. Bye.”

Whoever does not join him will not win! Which victory?!

But what is the conquest that the Imam intended? But what is the conquest (win) that the Imam (as) intended?

This is the conquest that none of the world's leaders and heroes of history, except Him, has achieved; because his ideas won, his values ​​came to fruition, and his name became a symbol of righteousness and justice; and now his great personality is not just for a nation or a clan, rather, he belongs to all freedom-loving and pure human beings at all times.

So which conquest is greater than this, and which victory is greater than this?

So, when the letter of the Imam(as) in Medina reached Bani Hashim, a group of them rushed to join him; until, they gained conquest and testimony with the son of God's prophet,too. Their brothers and cousins were among them.

Letters from Imam Hussein(as) to the elders of Basra

The Imam (as), wrote letters to the five Basra leaders and summoned them to rise up to help him get his right. Verily, the almighty God, chose Muhammad (peace be upon him) from among his people and he chose him as a prophet.














Then God took him toward himself. Our family weere his heirs and we are the most worthy people in his position. But our people in this case took their own precedence themself over us! We were satisfied because we didn't like any split and liked the comfortable of people. I have sent this letter to you with my ambassador. I invite you to the Book of almighty God and the tradition of his Prophet(PBUH). So if you listen to my words, I will guide you to the straight path ...”.


Indeed, the closest people to the Prophet (peace be upon him) were the Prophet’s family (as), who were the most aware persons that knew his purposes, but the people took the succession for themselves. Ahl al-bayt had no choice but to wait;because they wanted to preserve the unity of the Muslims. The letter included an invitation to the right and shows how the Imam(as) knew his responsibility. Because the people of Basra had not written to Imam Hussein(as) and had not invited him to their city; however, the Hussein(as) writes them a letter. Since when the Imam Hussein(as) decided to rise up for his religion and community,this decision was made from the depths of the soul and its existence,not only from movement of the people of Kufa and their invitation to him. "


Imam's speeches before leaving Mecca

When the Imam Hussein (as) decided to leave the Mecca, he ordered the pilgrims and people to gather in God’s house and hadthe lecture for them.

"Thank God. There is no power except with God. May God bless his Prophet(PBUH). Every soul will taste death. Then to almighty God will we be returned. I'm eager to see my father's, like Jacob's desire for Joseph. I have right to choose











testimony; I see some wolves tearing apart my body in deserts. I am pleased with God's pleasure. We (Ahl al-bait) wait for the experiment; seek help through patience; for almighty God is with those who patiently persevere.So! If everyone gives his life for us and has prepared himself to meet God, will move with us. That I'm leaving tomorrow morning, God willing”.

Unfortunately, none of the people of Mecca nor any of the pilgrims, except a few believers, answered the call of the





Pilgrimage to the house of God (Hajj) is [during] well-known months; and decision of Imam Hussein (as), made during the Hajj. So, there is an important event that Imam Hussein (as) intends to leave the Hajj. The departure of Imam Hussein(as) during the Hajj was also one of the most important propaganda tools against the government of that day, because the pilgrims to the House of God, transferred the news of Imam's departure from Mecca at the time because of his protest against the corrupt government of Yazid.









The Imam(as) went to the house of God before moving to Mecca, paid tribute and prayed in the mosque of Al-Masjid al-Ḥarām. Imam Hussein (as) left Mecca while fearing the grandson of Abi Sufyan (Yazid), just as his grandfather, the Prophet(PBUH), had left Mecca while he was fearful of Abi Sufyan. Along with the Imam, eighty-two men were from Ahl al-Bayt and servants. He also took the noble women of the Prophet's family with himself, too and with his family, he reports his death, like that of John son of Zechariah.


Yazid's letter to the governor of Kufa Ibn Ziyad the tyrant

After the Imam left Mecca, Yazid wrote several letters to the ruler of Kufa Ibn Ziyad:

"Hurry up to him before Hussein Ibn Ali arrives to Iraq."

"You will take him among my perpetrators. You will either be released or become a slave.”

“Pay a bribe of one hundred dinars or more to people in Kufa and those who agree and obey.”

Ibn Ziyad, as soon as this letter arrives,

The martial law announced, and it closed all Iraqi borders. He gave a great deal of wealth to the elders and led them to war with the son of God's Prophet, Imam Hussein(as).

Also, he formed groups of armies to move across Iraq and search for Imam Hussein(as).


Imam's letter to the people of Kufa in Hajar

When Imam Hussein reached in Hajar, he wrote a letter to his Shi'ates in Kufa to inform them of his move towards them.

“Hello to you! Me and you, thank with a God who is no God except him. A letter from Muslim ibn Aqil reached me and informed me of the good opinion of your majority to help us












to regain our rights. I moved from Mecca to you on Tuesday, the 8th Dhu l-Hijja,I'm coming to you these days.

Hide your actions.

Bless you the almighty God.”

The ambassador of the Imam (as) was arrested in Qadisiyah. He quickly tore up the letter so that agents would not be aware of its contents. Then he was taken to Ibn Ziad the oppressor.

Ibn Ziyad told him:




“You will never get out from here, unless you say me the people whom this letter was written for. Or go up from the pulpit of mosque and humiliate Hussein and his father and brother to be saved, or I'll kill you.”

The ambassador told him, "I'm doing a curse.”

Ibn Ziyad ordered the people to gather in the mosque, then the ambassador went up to the pulpit and thanked God, Peace be upon the Prophet, and he sent mercy upon Ali and his children.


Then he cursed Ibn Zayd, and he shouted,

"O people! ... Imam Hussein ibn Ali(as), is the son of Fatimeh, the daughter of the Prophet, peace be upon him, I'm his messenger to you, Follow him ... ".











Ibn Ziyad became very angry, and ordered him to be taken up to the tower, and while he was alive, they threw him down.Peace is upon this embassador…

When the news of his death came to Imam Hossein(as), he got deeply sad and cried Imam Hussein(as) said, "Lord! feel me and him in your love and put us beside youself, please, that You are Able to do all things”


Besiege of Imam (as) in the deserts

The convoy of Imam (as) continued to its trip; suddenly, a man from the Imam's companions told him, "I see the spears and the ears of the horses ahead."

The Imam (as) pondered and said: "I see it too"

The Imam (as) knew they were from the enemy corps who came to fight, then he said to his companions, "Find a shelter and put it behind us so that we can face the enemy only on one side?"

The Imam’sconvoy moved toward the trench, but a lot of enemies’ troops reached them with their commander, Hor bin Yazid Riyahi.

Ibn Ziyad had ordered him to search for Imam(as) and arrest him. The number of its riders was about one thousand. They stood against the Imam(as) at noon; while the weather was extremely hot. The Imam (as)saw them dying of thirst,

Imam(as) ignored that they had come to kill him and shed his blood, so, he ordered his companions to give them water. Imam’s companions even gave enemy's horses water. Imam(as), gave a lecture for them, he explained to them that he had not come for war;











rather he has responded positively to their invitation.

"O people! I didn't come toward you; unless when your invitations reached to me. 

If you adhere to that, I have come to you now, so give me a covenant and be sure, and if you do not like my coming now, I will return from whence I came. "




Hor said to the Imam(as): "I have an order to take you to Kufa whenever I see you!!”

Imam Hussein (as) ordered his companions to move toward Medina, but Hor prevented them, So Imam Hussein(as) turned to him and shouted: “May your mother be upset from your death”.

Hor bowed her head and said politely, "By God! I have no remembering your mother, except in the best way I can ... ".

The Imam said, "What do you want from us?"

Hor said I want to take you toward Ibn Ziad.The Imam shouted at him: "By God! I will not follow you. "

Hor said calmly to the Imam: "I have no command to fight with you, but I have been commanded to bring you to Kufa.

So if you don't, then take a path that doesn't get you both into Kufa or to Medina.










They agreed. So Imam(as) went toward "Qadisiyya", while Hor followed him closely and took great care of him.

In the middle of the way Imam Hussein (as) gave another speech for Hor and his companions and said:"O people! The Messenger of almighty Godsaid:

Whoever sees the wicked ruler who has forbidden the law of God and has broken God's covenant; but doesn't take action or speak against him, God will have the right to punish him.

Verily, this man (Yazid) obeys Satan and does not obey the almighty God, I am more worthy than him which changed the God rules. I am the son of Ali(as) and Fatemeh(as), the girl of almighty God's messenger. I'm your model. But if you break your covenant, God, will make us needless us from you... "

Along the way, only four Kufian people reached themselves to Imam's convoy to help him.

1- Nafe Ibn Helal Moradi

2- Amr iIbn Khalid Sidawi.

3. Saad, Servant of Amr ibn Khalid.

4- Majma Ibn Abdullah Abedi

Hor wanted to prevent them from joining to Imam Hussein(as), but the Imam said him: "I will support them". So, they joined the Imam(as). Imam(as) welcomed them and asked them about condition of Kufa.They said, "The nobles recieved enormous bribes, and they are enemy to you all... And yet other people want you in their hearts, but their swords will be drawn against you tomorrow."


Imam’s convoy stayed in Karbala

The convoy of Imam Hussein (as) resided in Karbala on Thursday, the second day of Muharram of 61 AH, while the









terror of the Ahlul-Bayt was manifested.Imam(as) summoned Ahl al-Bayt and his companions, and said:

"Lord! We are the family of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) but they expelled us from our ancestral home, and they did us wrong to us tyrannically.God! Take our right and give us the victory over the disbelieving people. "

Then he turned to the heroes and said, "The people are the servants of the world, and religion is like left food on their tongues. Until their life is in prosperity, they keep it, but when they are afflicted, the believers reduce.

Do you not see that they do not act truth and do not depart from falsehood?

I do not see death except as happiness and do not see living with the transgressors except as disgrace.”




Zuhayr b. al-Qayn, one of the Imam's companions, said:

"O son of God's prophet(PBUH), if the world had remained for us and we were eternal, we would have preferred the uprising with you rather than dwell in it."

Another hero of Imam's companion, Burayr b. Khuḍayr al-Hamdani al-Mishraqi, stood up and said:

"O son of God's prophet(PBUH)! God has blessed us with you, to fight in your service and then on the Day of Resurrection we will be the successful”








Then, Nafi Ibn. Hilal Ibn. Jamil stood up and said:

"Whoever breaks his vow will only harm himself and God would’nt need him,

So lead us strong and well. I swear to God, going to west, or to east, we will not grieve over divine fate and eager to visit our Lord. We love your friends, and hate your enemies."

They were true lovers…

A man from Bani Assad who heard that Hussein(as) will be killed in Karbala, had been waiting for Imam(as) in deserts of Karbala for many years. He joined Imam(as), as soon as he saw Imam(as) and eventually became a martyr in Ashura with Imam Hussein(as).

They were true lovers…

The Prophet's companion, Anas Ibn al-Harith, joined to the Imam (as) and said to the Imam(as):

I heard from the Prophet that he said, "This son (Hussein[as]) will be killed in the land called Karbala, hence anyone of you see him, so help him."

He was martyred for his God service in Ashura with Imam Hussein(as).

They were true lovers…


Letter from Ibn Ziyad to Imam Hussein (as)

When Ibn Zayd leaned that Hor had besieged Imam Hussein (as) in Karbala, he sent a letter to the Imam(as):

"O Hussein! Yazid the Commander, ordered me not to sleep and not to drink wine, until I kill you or until you obey both my and Yazid's command!! ".

The Imam Hussein (as) said: "The people who take the creature's contentment with the wrath of the Creator did not











succeed."And he said to the messenger of Ibn Ziad: "His letter is not answered by me; he deserves the punishment."

Ibn Ziyad got furious; so he prepared all his military for war with Imam Hussein(as). 


Kufian campaign for war

When Ibn Zaydhe found himself dominating of Hussein(as), he saw his wishes and dreams, to approach Yazid by killing the Imam (as) and be a means of strengthening his ancestry amoung the Yazid family (Umayyad). It seems that he is going to war in Muharram that war is forbidden in this month in Arab. Those around him came up with dangerous plans for the operation against Hussein (as).


Coming of enemy's armies in desert of Karbala and siege of Imam (as);

Tyrannical army of enemies, made up of about 30.000 persons, under the command of Ibn Saad's came to Karbala on Thursday, the ninth of Muharram, immediately; in order to avoid people from awaking by Imam's speeches; result in disagreements between the armies.




Imam Hussein (as), sat in front of his tent; while he was sleepy.









The sounds of the enemy corps awaked him and said to his sister, Zainab (as):

"I saw the God's Prophet(PBUH) in my dream, saying:

You are coming toward us soon ... ".

Then, Imam(as), said to his brother, Abulfadl Al-Abbas (as):

Go toward them and tell his commander, 'What do they want?'

Abulfadl (AS) rushed to them quickly.

They told him, "We have orders to either you obey Yazid or we fight vs. you."

Imam Hussein (as) and Abbas (as) could save themselves from the siege and flee alone, but they did not leave their families, companions, and groups alone, but they enduranced on the way of almighty God.


The day of Ashura, Imam Hussein(as) and his 72 loved companions

From the standpoint of the oppressed, there is no day as like your day, Aba Abdellah...

The tragedies and sorrows have come with sadness and pain because there has been no sad event in history which what happened in Karbala on the day of Ashura for you O Aba abdillah...

O' Aba 'Abdellah! Surely the tribulations are great and unbearable and your tragedy is great for us, and for all the











people of Islam and unbearable and great is your tragedy in the heavens and for all of the dwellers of the heavens. 

In Ashura there was no oppression in the world which the oppressors did not do on Imam Hussein (as), the oppressed son of the Prophet (PBUH).

It is not a day like the day of Imam Hussein (as) when armies of thirty thousand oppressors army rushed to him and claimed to be Muslims and came closer to God, while they were shedding the blood of Imam Hussein(as), it means the blood of Prophet's son, it means blood of Party of the almighty God, means blood of the almighty God who had been martyred by party of Satan!

While it was Hussein (as) who reminded them to God, but they did not heed and killed him with oppression.

For what sin he was killed…


Ashura has dawned by rising the sun in wednsday, the tenth of Muharram in Karbala.

The honorable Imam(as) and his family and companions prayed at dawn. War drums were played at Ibn Ziyad's camp.

Fully armed groups come from the enemy corps while shouting: Either we fight or you obey Ibn Zayd's command. The leader of freedom saw that desert filled with thirty thousand enemy troops, while they have swords in their hands and they are thirsty for his blood, his family, and his companions just to earn a small wage from Ibn Zyad.

Imam Hussein (as) prayed to the sky and said:

"God! You are my trust in the sorrows; you are my hope in all hardships, and you are my rely; and you are sufficient as disposer of affairs. O God, you are my grace, and you are the [final] destination and you are the end of all desire. "










Lecture by Imam Hussein (as) for the Kufian Division

When the sun is wrapped up [in darkness]; and when the stars fall, dispersing, And when the mountains are removed; and when the seas are filled with flame; Enemy troops do not seem to know what they are doing …! What are you doing the troops?!?You are the ones who have purchased error [in exchange] for guidance, so your transaction has brought no profit, nor were you guided. O’ are you killing the holy prophet’s son? Are you moving in darkness [so] that could not see? Do you not see the guidance sun in front of yourself? Do you not hear the words of the truth from the language of the Prophet's son? You are Deaf, dumb and blind - so you will not return to the straight path...




The Imam(as) rode on his horse, Zu al-Janah.  He went toward Ibn Saad's camp. Imam Hussein(as) cried out in a loud voice that most of them heard:

"O people! Listen to my speech and don't be in a hurry. If you accept what I said, you will be happier; If you don't, don't give me respite, that my guardian is the Lord who revealed the Qur'an.









"O people! Don’t let this world fool you. The best Lord is our Lord. You believed in the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), so you are the ones who attacked his children and demanded to kill them!? Satan has overpowered you and doesnt let you remember the Great God. Indeed we belong to God, and indeed to Him we will return.




"O people! Tell me about who I am? Am I not the daughter's son of your Prophet? Didn't the Messenger of God say to you about me and my brother:

"These two are the Heads of Youth of Heaven",

Is this not preventing you from shedding my blood? "

Come to yourself and be wise...”.

It seems as if God has set a seal upon their hearts and upon their hearing, and over their vision a veil.

The Imam(as) continued:

"If you are in doubt about this statement, do you doubt that I am the son of your Prophet's daughter?

Swear to God! Between the east and the west, there is no son of the Prophet's daughter between you and else,









Have I killed any of you? Or, Have I destroyed some of your money? Or, Have I injured you? "

The Imam(as) said:

Did you not write the invitation yourself for me?The Imam(as) addressed all the corps units:

"O people! If you are not pleased with me, let me go from you to a safe place. "

From everyone self-deluded and boastful who does not believe in the day of reckoning, I seek refuge in my Lord.

Yes, they are cursed, for their breaking of the covenant, and their disbelief in the signs of almighty God, and eating the prohibited. Yes, they are sealed because of their disbelief, so they believe not to dear Hussein(as)...




Dear Hussein(as), those are those animals that even couldn't endure to put burden on their backs...Then will you make the deaf hear, [O dear Hussein], or guide the blind or he who is in clear error?So indeed, you will not make the dead hear, nor will you make the deaf hear the call when they turn their backs, retreating.









Then, Imam (as) opened the Qur'an and put the Prophet's turban on head, and fastened Prophet's sword to himself and said:

Curse on you...

When you eagerly called us and we responded quickly,

Did you draw the swords against us who are your friends and for the benefit of our enemies, who are your enemies, too?

They (your enemies) had no justice with you, or you don't hope for them, too.

Do you help them and not us! “The worst of beasts in the sight of almighty God, are the deaf and the dumb,- those who understand not.” So Imam said:

"never to humiliation! I prefer testimony rather than the obedience of the lowly persons, and I will fight even by a few people of my family and Companions. "I seek refuge in my Lord that he is on the straight path…


Hor’s revolution

Hor's conscience awakened after hearing the words of the Imam(as). In those dreadful moments whether to join Imam Hussein(as) or save his life?!

But Hor answered the call of his conscience. Hence, he went to Ibn Sa'ad and said to him, "Do you fight with Prophet's son!?"

Ibn Saad said without hesitation, "Yes, by God!

Hor, when he was convinced that the Kufian were going to fight with the Imam(as), made his decision and said to his friend, "By God I see myself between paradise and fire of the hell, and I prefer nothing to paradise, even though I will be burnt and killed ... ".










Then he rode on his horse towards Imam's camp, while he was shaking his head in shame and regret.

Then he dimounted his horse, and with tears streaming down his face, he stood before the Imam and spoke to the Imam(as), saying to the Imam(as):

"O son of God's Apostle! Your sincerely sir, I blocked your returne and transferred you to this place...Swear to God! I did not think that these people wouldn't even accept what you offered them. sir, I have repented and come unto you now, to die in your service,

Is there any repentance for me?

The Imam(as) rejoiced from Hor's repentance and pardoned him and said to him, "Yes, of course. The almighty God will accept your repentance and will forgive you, God willing."




Then he said, "My Sir! I ask you to allow me to fight in first to be your first soldier to be martyred, just as I was your first rebel.









"Testimony of Imam Hussein (as)

The Imam returned to his family and advised them to truth and to patience and ordered them to accept what almighty God decrees a matter.

While he was bleeding, he said:

"Be ready for test and know that almighty God is the best guardian, and He is the most merciful of the merciful." He saves you from the enemies.




The enemy, instead of this calamity, gives you all kinds of blessings, so be careful and don't say something that will diminish your worth with our God. “Indeed, those who have said, "Our Lord is almighty God " and then remained on a right course - the angels will descend upon them, [saying], "Do not fear from future events and do not grieve over past events too, but receive good tidings of Paradise, which you were promised.” This is the straight path…

Now could you imagine the conditions of Prophet's daughters(as)?

Who farewell to Imam(as) with distressed hearts.

"could you imagine Imam Hussein (as)?







While calamities were reaching on him, at those conditions, he had decided to say goodbye to prophet's family and the rest of his children. The cries of the women rose while they were calling their grandfather, prophet of God (PBUH).

Can you visualize them and Hossein (as) in that dire situation and do not ache your hearts? And don't cry?

Specialy when you know that Imam Hussein(as) said:

I'm thirsty for tears...

Omar Ibn Sa'ad shouted at his army and incited them to attack the Imam, said:

"As long as he is busy with his family, attack him, if he has Leisure, will kill you. "

Those evildoers attacked the Imam Hussein (as) and threw their arrows at him.

Those arrows fell between the tents

The women were upset

Then Imam Hussein(as) rushed to those cowards like an angry lion.

And he fought with his sword

one arrow hit the Imam's clean mouth

It was bleeding

He said:

"God! This is little in your way. "

“O' The almighty God, Indeed, those who have said, "Our Lord is almighty God " and then remained on a right course…”

Another arrow hit the forehead of the Imam(as).

Imam Hussein(as) said: God will take revenge on you while no one of you will stay on earth.

While the bloodshed had rendered the Imam(as) impotent, the Imam stood for a while to rest.







another oppressor threw a big stone towards the Imam(as)

And hit the forehead of the noble Imam(as),

Blood flowed on Imam's face

The Imam took off his shirt to wipe the blood from his face,

Suddenly another oppressor threw arrow with three angles to him,

Unfortunately, it hit the big heart of Imam(as);

A heart that was full of compassion for all of people,

Then the Prophet's son looked up at the sky and said:

Lord! You know they are killing the son of Prophet's daughter. "

Then he pulled the arrow out of his back

hence, a lot of blood flowed,

Hussein(as) filled his hand with it

He threw blood into the sky and said,

"Being in the Lord's view makes it easy for me, to do the righteous deeds for me."

O' The almighty God , Indeed, those who have said, "Our Lord is almighty God " and then remained on a right course…

The Imam(as) soaked his face and his merits with his own blood and said:

"This is how I want to meet God and my ancestor, the holy prophet, while I am soaked in my blood ...”

Another arrow hit the brave commondor's mouth

The arrows were coming upon that brave lion

So far as the noble body of Imam Hussein(as) became like a pile of arrows...

As he was suffering from blood loss and thirst, he sat down







It was at this time that the filthy oppressor attacked him and hit him with the sword.

The long hat of Imam(as) was filled up with blood.




Another arrow hit the face of Imam(as)

Blood flowed,

The imam was no longer capable,

"he filled his hands with some blood,"

Then he threw that blessed blood into the sky and said:

“Great God this blood is little for you...”

“O' The almighty God, Indeed, those who have said, "Our Lord is almighty God " and then remained on a right course…”

In those final moments, the Imam (as) prayed with almighty God and said:

“I accept the matter almighty God decrees a matter. There is no God but you. O' my Relief!

There is no God but you, the command is for none but God; I keep patience for your command,and I will surely be patient against whatever harm they should cause me.

O Relief of person who has no Reliefer!

O one who has no end! And gives life to the dead

Judge between me and them, that you are the best ruler. "








Imam(as) was a lover of God. He had relied on him; died in the path of his God...

and why should we not rely upon almighty God; while almighty God has guided us to our [good] ways. He has commanded that we worship none but Him. Upon God let those who would rely [indeed] rely.

That criminal group that was the most filthy corps on the earth, attacked the Imam(as) from all sides. They struck him with swords and spears. So that Imam's pure blood drips from their swords.

In Islam, no one had been killed the prophet's son; because one hundred and twenty wounds were caused by the blows of the swords and the wounds of the spears and the effect of the arrows on his body.




Imam, stayed on the earth for a while. From his reverence, everyone was afraid to attack and kill him, so they stepped back. The beautiful face and the light of his face and the splendor kept them from thinking about his murder. Everyone reached to Imam(as) but didn't want to be the killer of Hussein(as), So he decided to retreat.








The Imam(as) remained on the ground for a long time, while the wounds and the difficulty of the bloodshed, had weakened him. Then freedom's leader shouted on those criminals:

"Have you gathered to kill me?

Swear to God! You will not kill anybody after me,

Swear to God! The almighty God, will take my revenge on you unawarely.”




Shimr Ibn Zeljoshan, "shouted to his crimers fighters:

"Woe to you! Why do you linger?Kill him...”

His bondservants cut Imam's head unfortunately. They had a smile of joy, reassurance and victory.

Freedom commander(as) was martyred in the line of kind God...







The Imam(as) offered his life for the Holy Quran. He was killed oppressed and strangely… Next to his family members...

“The almighty God hath purchased of the believers their persons and their goods; for theirs (in return) is the garden (of Paradise): They fight in the cause of Allah, so they kill or are killed: a promise binding on Him in truth, through the Law, the Gospel, and the Qur'an: and who is more faithful to his covenant than God? Then rejoice in the bargain which ye have concluded: that is the achievement supreme.”

In his dealings, the Imam(as) gained an honor that no one else has achieved except him, because he is a martyr of the straight path, who have achieved dignity, majesty and immortality. This is the world that commemorates him.And this is the holy shrine of the Prophet's son who is the dearest and most important shrine on earth.

The noble man raised the banner of Islam. Imam(as) get martyred for stability of the straight path...

To cleanse the society, from the oppressor rulers… those who deny human rights and transform the country into a farm for themselves.

To the righteous soul will be said:"O reassured soul, in (complete) satisfaction!Come back thou to thy Lord, well-pleased and pleasing [to Him],And enter among My [righteous] servants…And enter My Paradise."

Peace be upon you O' Aba 'Abdellah; Peace be upon you O' son of the Messenger of God; Peace be upon you O' son of the Commander of the Faithful and the son of the leader of the inheritors (of the Prophet); Peace be upon you O' son of Fatimeh(as), the leader of the women of the entire Universe. Peace be upon you O' the one who was killed and whose








blood has not yet been avenged – and whose avenging is in the hands of God and peace be upon you, the son of one who was killed and whose blood has not yet been avenged (Imam 'Ali b. Abi Talib) and peace be upon you O' the one who was alone, an individual (killed). Peace be upon you and also upon the souls that gathered in your courtyard. Upon you and upon all of those (who were killed) is the Salutation of God from me for eternity, as long as the night and the day remain.


Imam (as) was killed oppressed and strangely, after he saw the killing of his children, Ahl al-Bayt and companians...Killed while he was thirsty, because when the camp of Aba abdellah(as) stopped next to the Euphrates,Ibn Saad's troop besieged the Euphrates.

They closed the water on Imam Hussein(as) and his Ahl al-Bayt and his companions, to make Imam Hussein (as) surrender...

My God! Are they Muslims who closed the water on the convoy of Aba abdellah(as)?

In sacred religions, water wouldn't be restricted water, however for non-humans, but Three days before Ashura, on the 7th of Muharram, surrounded the Euphrates.

Ibn Saad received a letter from Ibn Ziyad that he had said:

 "Make the distance between the Hussein(as) and water to not to even drink a drop of water."

So, five hundred oppressor riders arrived from the Ibn Saad Corps between the camp of Imam Hussein (as) and the Euphrates River, until Hussein (as) and his companions cannot access the water.

But, the children were thirsty. Hence, Imam Hussein(as) sent a group of his companions toward the Euphrates under the








leader of his faithful brother, Abalfazl al-Abbas (as) to bring some water for children.


Testimony of Abu fadl Al-Abbas (as)

Abbas(as) was so beautiful that he was called "Moon of family of Benny Hashim." the sword that was always victorious in the hands of Imam Ali(as), Dhu l-Faqar's sword, was in his hands.His father, Imam Ali (as), ordered him before his testimony that he would never leave Hussein(as) alone. His mother, Umm al-Banin, also asked him to call Imam Hussein (as) as a lord.

He was very strong and tall. His loyalty was unique, so that he was the ensigner for the Imam's convoy. He was so brave that he was famed as the lion that the lions run away from him; The enemies were afraid of Abbas(as); hence Before the Ashura event, Shimr sent a letter to Abbas(as) to save him from Ashura war and to split him from Hussein(as), but Abbas told him:

“Upon you and your letter be the curse of God…

Do you want to save us, While the son of the Prophet of almighty God(as) isn't safe and secure? "




When Shimr saw the resoluteness of Abbas (as) and his brothers, returned to







his camp.

Abbas(as), with an affectionate heart and whose one fulfills the covenant, and didn not break the contract, saw thirst for the children, crossed the army and reached to Euphrates, to bring some water for them. O ye that hero! Blessings on you...


He ran his hands over the water to drink. Suddenly, he remembered his thirsty lord, Imam Hussein(as). Poured the water and did not drink. O ye that faithful! Blessings on you...

So, he filled leather water pouches with water to return to the camp.

Clash broke out between the enemy's army and Hussein's companions. On the way back to the tents, enemy’s corp attacked him.

Abbas(as) then attacked them, bravely. The enemies fired at him arrows from all sides. Then two disobedient men who had ambushed behind a palm tree, hit the right hand of Abbas(as) and cut it.

Abbas(as) took the sword with his left hand and attacked them, but he (a) was weakened.

Then another hypocrite man who had ambushed behind a palm tree, hit him on his left hand. but Abbas(as) was trying to reach the water to children. hence, Omar Saad called for shooting the leather water pouches at the time. So, the hopes of Abbas(as) diminished. meanwhile, another hypocrite hit him the metal spear on his head and martyred him.

They were true lovers…

O ye faithful! Blessings on you...

“Among the Believers are men who have been true to their covenant with almighty God: of them some have completed








their vow (to the extreme), and some (still) wait: but they have never changed (their determination) in the least.

That the God may reward the men of Truth for their Truth, for almighty God is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful.”

Then Imam (a) came and sat next to him and said:

"Now my back is broken and my solutions are diminished."

Abbas(as) was around 34 at the time of martyrdom.

May the curse be upon those people who laid down the foundations for the oppression and wrongs done upon you, the family of the Prophet (PBUH). May God curse those people who denied you your position (O' Ahl al-Bayt) and removed you from your rank which God himself had granted you. May the curse of God be upon those people who killed you and may the curse of God be upon those people who made it easy for them by preparing the grounds of your killing. I turn to God and I turn towards you and turn away from them and their adherents, followers and friends.


Testimony of Ali al-Asghar (as)

Now, is the time that all Imam Hussein's (as) companions were martyred, so when Imam Hussein (as) saw that Kufian army persisted to kill him, took the Qur'an on his head addressing them, "This book of the Qur'an and the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) will judge between me and you. Oh, people! How do you assume killing me?"


Of them there are some who (pretend to) listen to you; but had thrown veils on their hearts, So they understand it not, and deafness is in their ears; if they saw every one of your addressing(Qur'an, Prophet Muhammad [PBUH] and etc... ), not they will believe in them; in so much that when they come








to thee, they (but) dispute with thee; the Unbelievers say: "These are nothing but tales."

They keep away others from it(Qur'an, Prophet Muhammad [PBUH] and etc... ), and themselves had kept away from them(Qur'an, Prophet Muhammad [PBUH] and etc...); but they only destroy their own souls, and they perceive it not.

At this time, Imam (as) saw one of his infant children was crying of thirst; he was recently born on the Day of Ashura. 




So, before Imam (as) went to the battle field, he came to the tents and embraced Ali al-Asghar(as) and when leader of the freedoms (as) was kissing him, decided to ask water from enemies, for him.

Hence, Imam (as) took Ali al-Asghar(as) on his hand in the front of the enemies and stated:

"O people! You murdered my household and all my companions except this thirsty newborn child who is dying! If you show no mercy to me; have mercy on this thirsty child! Give him some water!"

Remember that Satan said:








"Because You (the almighty God) have get out me in error, I will surely sit in wait for them on your straight path...

"Then will I assault them from before them and behind them, from their right and their left: and you will not find them on your straight path...




While Imam (as) was speaking with enemies, suddenly a lowest person from them threw an arrow towards Ali al-Asghar's neck and martyred him. Imam Hussein (as) took his hand under Ali al-Asghar's neck and when his hand filled with blood, threw it all up to sky.








O' Aba 'Abdellah! I am at peace with those who make peace with you and I am at war with those who make war with you until the Day of Judgment.

And may the curse of God be upon the nation that carried out, saw and were silent at your killing.

May my father and mother be sacrificed for you. Surely my sorrow for you is great and I pray to God who has honored your status and has also honored me through you that He grant me the opportunity to seek your revenge. O' God! Make me worthy of respect with you through al-Husayn, peace be upon him, both in the transient world and also the next life.

O' Aba 'Abdellah! Surely I seek closeness to God and to his messenger and to the Commander of the Faithful and to Fatimeh and to Hasan and to you through love of you and through distancing myself from those who laid the foundations and those who built upon and carried out oppression and cruelty upon you all and upon your followers. I disassociate myself from them through God and through all of you and I seek nearness to God and then to you through love for you and your friends and disassociation with your enemies and from those who want to fight against you and disassociation from their adherents and followers.

Surely I am at peace with those who are at peace with you and I am at war with those who are at war with you and I am a friend to those who are friends to you and I am an enemy to those who are enemies to you. So then I ask God who has honored me with a cognizance of all of you and a cognizance of your friends that He also grant me the opportunity to disassociate myself from your enemies and that He place me with you – both in the transient world and also in the next life – and that he make me firm in your presence with a truthful








stance both in the transient world and also the next life. And I ask Him (God) that He enables me to reach to the honored station with you in the presence of God.And I ask God for your sake and for the status and rank which you have with Him that He grant me that thing due to me showing grief and sorrow at your sorrows even more than of that which he gives in a person's own grief and sorrows, and what great sorrow and tragedies you faced!

How great was your tragedy for Islam and for all of the inhabitants of the heavens and the Earth!

O' God! Make me at this moment, one who receives from you prayers, mercy and forgiveness.

O' God! Make me live the life of Muhammad(PBUH) and the family of Muhammad(PBUH) and permit me to die the death of Muhammad(PBUH) and the family of Muhammad(PBUH).




O' God! Surely I seek nearness to you on this day (the Day of Ashura) and in this place (which I am in)and friendship to Your Prophet and the family of your Prophet, peace be upon him and upon all of them.







By the Testimony of Ali al-Asghar(as),Imam Hussein (as) cried hard and said:

"O God! Judge between us and the people who invited us to help us but they killed us!"

So, if today, you have prevented us from the victory, assign better things for us!"

"What makes all these hardships easy for me is the fact that all of this is happened in the presence of God…"

Indeed the almighty God, intends only to remove from you the impurity [of sin], Ahl al-bayt, and to make you pure and spotless.The hand of almighty God is over the other hands: then any one who violates his oath, does so to the harm of his own soul, and any one who fulfils what he has covenanted with Allah,- Allah will soon grant him a great Reward.Who, when disaster striked him, said, "Indeed I belong to Almighty God, and indeed to him I will return.This is the one upon whom are blessings from his Lord and mercy. And he is that who is the [rightly] guided…


So, angels, see please: Indeed, heisone of persons who the almighty God said about them to you:

"Indeed, I know that which you do not know."

O the best of creators, blessings on you






Peace be upon you O' Aba 'Abdellah and upon the souls that gathered in your courtyard. Upon you, from me, is the peace of God for eternity, as long as the night and the day remain and please do not make this (reminder) as my last contact with you.




Greetings be upon al-Hussein(as), and upon 'Ali the son of al-Hussein(as) and upon the children of al-Hussein(as) and upon the companions of al-Hussein(as).








The immortality of the Imam Hussein(as) movement

Ashura event is a stable Movement. Now, it seems that Imam Hussein (as) is more alive and well. He served God with himself and did not serve oneself, with his God. Imam Hussein (as) with his testimony maintained religion and obedience to the commandments of God. Imam Hussein(as) loved God.




At the heart of each of us, he aroused the interest in religion and a talent for testimony. If almighty God should aid you, no one can overcome you; upon almighty God are the believers relying. Imam(as) was believer and fought in the cause of almighty God, but those who were disbeliever fought in the cause of Evil. So he fought against the allies of Satan. Indeed, the plot of Satan has ever been weak. Imam Hussein(as) broke Satan's back and diminished Satan's solutions. He was waiting for the command of almighty God, for verily saw himself in God's eyes; and was praising almighty God, while he was killed by enemies. Hence, the testimony of Imam(as) has been so hot in the hearts of believers that it will never be cold. Every day is Ashura and everywhere is Karbala. Hence, the red flag of Hussein has







been raised above his holy shrine.  His rescue ship has place for everyone. From each race, color, country, age and etc...

For everyone who want to overcome on Satan and want success...

It is reported that the captives of the battle of Karbala (some Ahl al-bayt[as] who were captured after Ashura event), came to visit Imam al-Hussein (as) in Karbala on 20th of Safar 61 AH (November 22, 680). Visit the holy shrine of Aba abdellah in Arba'in is considered among the sings of the faithful.

Arbaʿin of Imam al-Ḥussein (as) is 20th day of Safar in the Hijri Lunar calendar and the anniversary of the 40th day after the Battle of Karbala when Imam al-Hussein (a) and his companions were martyred on the day of Ashura. Imam(as) does not include the passage of time because he went in the direction of a God who is not subject to time and place...

Procession of Arbaʿin is a great march in Iraq from different parts of the country towards Karbala on the occasion of Arba'in to pay a visit to the shrine of Imam al-Hussein (as) in annual Imam’s martyrdom…


Muslims mourn on the day of Arba'in and have mourning groups. In recent years, great procession of presence in Karbala on the day of Arba'in has become one of the most important mourning ceremonies of around the world and it has even turned into one of the largest communities on a global scale.

Millions of people participate in this annual procession. Many people from other countries travel to attend this procession as well.








Has reported (from1967), the gathering of Shiites in Arba'in in Karbala and likened it to gathering of Muslims in Mecca and mentioned the attendance of groups of mourners who recited poems in Turkish, Arabic, Persian, and Urdu. O pilgrims of Imam Hussein(as), Pray to God...

It would not be exaggerating saying that more than a million people attended the pilgrimage of Arba'in at that time that it reached to more than 16 millions people from all over the world right now. Welcome to Imam Hussein’s visitors. They move towards Karbala to attend the ceremonies and renew their allegiance with Imam al-Hussein(as). Thay say:

“O Hussein(as), here I am;

O martyr, here I am;

We are on committed…

Love for Imam Hussein(as) gathered us,

We are in love with Hussein(as),

The one who loves Hussein(as), God loves him,

By God, we will never forget Hussein(as),

My prince is Hussein(as) and he is so well prince,

The way of Karbala is toward God.”

Iraqi pilgrims move toward Karbala from their cities. But many foreigner pilgrims choose the path between Najaf (Imam Ali [as] shrine) to Karbala for their procession. The distance between the two cities is about eighty kilometers. There are 1452 marked utility poles between Najaf and Karbala and the distance between every two poles is fifty meters. About twenty to twenty five hours is needed for the whole walking. The best time for beginning the procession is Safar[1] 16th.

[1] - Arabic month







During the days of procession, people living beside the Euphrates set up large tents called guesthouse (mawkib) on the path of procession and receive and serve pilgrims and accommodate them for rest.




Religious communities of Iraq set up many guesthouses and provide pilgrims with free services. Management of guesthouses is carried out by people independently from the government, mostly.








Praise be to God, Lord of the Universe, the Mercy-giving, the Merciful.

Mercy be to some persons that helped us in book publication:



Mahmoodi Golnar

Batavani Fatimeh

Mr Ostadi

Dr. Davoud Abadi

Batavani     Nasrollah

Batavani Roghayyeh

Sepiany Heshmatollah

Salimian Hussein

Batavani Mohammad

Batavani Nasrin

Tourajizadeh M.Reza

Mr Fouladgar

Batavani Mohammad ali

Ekrami Akbar

Hussein ali Al-Nafiey

Kamali Ali

Batavani Bahar

Soltani Mostafa

Motiei E.

Sheikh Abalfazl

Tarighatpour Hussein















Quran, sent it from God to Holy Prophet Muhammad(PBUH)


Nahjul-Balagha Al-shareef. Lectures of Imam Ali(as), collected by: Seyed Razi


Almizan, Tabatabaee, M.H.


Bihar Al-Anwar. Majlesi.M. B











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